Useful Tips On Writing An Informative Essay On Teenage Pregnancy
Teenage pregnancy is a popular topic these days. You can find a lot of information on the subject. When you work on this informative essay, make sure to follow our useful tips. You informative essay will:
- Give research on your topic
- Maybe contrast and compare two points
- Possibly be written in a cause and effect style
- Define your unique terms or jargons
- Present a solution
- Show the steps to proper application of your knowledge
- Academic resources -you will want to provide some statistics and information from surveys, interviews, studies, and teenage parents. These venues will allow for you to obtain he most accurate and credible information that you can find. Use an academic database and you will not have to waste too much time on the search aspect of your job.
- Solid main points -this topic lends itself to be emotional and at time judgmental. However, you are writing a paper for school. Your support and your main points have to be appropriate and solid. Emotions will only get you so far in this paper.
- Interviews -you can conduct interviews, but proceed carefully. If you are interviewing a teenager, an adult may have to be present. Follow the rules. But also consider that you can interview nurses, pediatricians, psychologists, social workers, teachers, parents of the parents, and other people who are involved in the situation. So go carefully with this aspect of the paper. Another thing to consider is that you may be able to find interviews online that you can use.
- Magazines and television -there are some magazines and some shows that focus on the teenage mother and father situation. While some of them are rather dramatic, you may be able to find some information by reading or watching some of them.
- Writing company or Tutor -if you find yourself stuck with this topic you should consider using a writing company. The right business will be able to help you write an informative essay on teenage pregnancy. They will also be able to help you proof and research for the paper. You can also ask to see models or samples that will help you understand what this paper should look like. Another option is using a personal tutor as you work on this paper. They are more expensive than companies, but can give you that extra one-on-one help you may need.